
Promoting Anti-Discriminatory Practice

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Promoting anti-discriminatory practice Introduction: In this assignment, I will be describing how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. I will discuss difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings and justify ways of overcoming difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings. P5- Describe describing how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings: How person centred planning promotes anti-discriminatory practice: Person centred planning promotes anti-discriminatory practice in many different ways. For example, • Person centred planning includes the …show more content…

It promotes anti-discriminatory practice because a service user may have a certain holistic view e.g. religion or requirement e.g. they need sensory equipment and these views/needs must be met by staff. For example, a Muslim service user must be given a space to pray in the care home or staff could take them to a Mosque. Similarly, a service user with special needs may need holistic multi-sensor equipment so staff must have this equipment at the home or take the service user to a specialist centre to use the equipment there. If the staff did not meet these holistic views/needs, it would be discriminatory as they are not meeting the religious/holistic needs of the service …show more content…

It promotes anti-discriminatory practice because as all members of staff have the correct qualifications, training etc, they are able to meet the needs of all the service users fully and to a high quality. For example, as GP's at the Cowfold Medical Group have all of the relevant qualifications and training, they would be able to supply a service to a disabled service user that fully met their needs e.g. the GP may be able to sign to the service user if they were deaf or provide an appropriate and effective method of communication. If Cowfold Medical Group did not have staff that had the correct qualifications, training, skill and knowledge, it would be discriminatory to the disabled or impaired service users as their needs would not be met and they would not receive the same service as able bodied service

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