
Pros And Cons Of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

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Statement of Question: I will argue if the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe have a legitimate argument against the Dakota Access Pipeline citing the Energy Transfer Partners for being in violation of the Fort Laramie Treaty and the other statues such as the National Historic Protection Act, and National Environmental Policy Act. I will also analyze the involvement of protestors and the role of the U.S. Army Corps. Annotated Bibliography McPherson, James. 2016. “A look at key players in the Dakota Access Pipeline” The Washington Post, November 1. In this article, author James McPherson discusses the key players in the Dakota Access Pipeline. He outlines not only outlines the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and the pipeline company, Energy Transfer Partners, but also the Governor of North Dakota, the Tribal Chairman, …show more content…

2016. “Dakota Access Pipeline Opponents Occupy Land, Citing 1851 Treaty” The New York Times. October 24. In this article, the Terry Wade and Ernest Scheyder discuss the protesters citing a treaty in order to occupy the land. Protestors are advocating for the rerouting of the pipeline on the grounds that further construction carries potential spills into drinking water and damage historical tribal sacred lands. The article cites the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851, in which the protestors cited, and further discusses how treaty has not been taken seriously in the court of law. The article suggests that at one point the Energy Transfer Company planned to run the pipeline near Bismarck and far from the reservation, but instead decided to choose Standing Rock Sioux Land. This article is useful to point out a solution to the problem as well as the impact of protestors have on this

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