
Public Disclosure Of Private Facts Essay

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The issue is whether Christie’s actions of disclosing the previously private information regarding William’s employment history and prior immigration status constitute public disclosure of private facts. To prove that a person is liable for public disclosure of private facts, the plaintiff must prove that (1) the exposure of the facts is a public disclosure, (2) the facts disclosed are private facts, and (3) the nature of the information disclosed is offensive (Kinsey v. Macur, Porten v. University of San Francisco, Daly v. Viacom, Inc.). William Franklin probably has a cause of action for public disclosure of private facts against Christie The first requirement is that the exposure of Franklin’s facts must be a public disclosure. Public disclosure occurs when a person communicates and exposes a matter that concerns the private life of another to diverse and significant number of people gaining knowledge of the same (Kinsey and Porten). In Kinsey v. Macur, the court held that public disclosure means revealing private facts to large number of people who are beyond one’s “circle of intimacy”. Beyond the “circle of intimacy” refers to the people only known through professional or business association (Kinsey v. Macur). In the case, the defendant mailed 30 letters exposing the plaintiff’s past history to a diverse group of 20 people “beyond circle of intimacy”, including plaintiff and his wife, their former spouses, their parents, their neighbors, their parents ' neighbors,

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