
Pursuing A Career In Health Care Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Science is a field I am particularly passionate about and am pursuing as a career. This is because I believe the profound knowledge and insights science offers can best equip me to serve others through a career in health care. I came to this conclusion after taking my first college level biology course. For the first time, I became aware of the unimaginable dept and complexity of the world and ignited a burning fire within me to understand it all. As I continued to take additional biology and chemistry courses, I discovered the thrill that comes with deciphering the governing laws of life. This understanding has taken on a greater, personal meaning as I have learned how to apply science to daily life and share its benefits. Moreover, working with various masters of this admirable field has encouraged me to apply my own skills and what I have learned in health care. …show more content…

Caring for the health and well being of individuals not only eliminates suffering, but also enables those individuals to impact the world in their unique way. This is an opportunity to practice the heart of science in a hands on and meritorious approach. Furthermore, my career in health care would include researching new advances in medicine, techniques and procedures. The developments that can be made from this element of health care are inexhaustible and would favorably effect the entire world. Likewise, the life changing secrets and advancements waiting to be unlocked invoke my heart and mind to the challenge, as it once did in that biology classroom. I ardently hope to employ my academic work in science to this cause both before and after

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