
Putt Case Study

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What did they find and conclude?

At retention: The quiet eye trained group successfully holed more putts than the control group (59% vs 45%) and also had longer quiet eye’s (2817ms vs 2203ms) although this wasn’t statistically significant. However, the quiet eye trained participants showed lower average error in performance compared to the control group (4.58cm compared to 8.37cm) which was statistically significant. This showed that the quiet eye trained group left the ball closer to the hole more consistently than the control group.

At pressure: The quiet eye trained group successfully holed an average of 60% in the pressure test compared with the 59% average at retention. The control group holed 36% of putts under pressure, compared to …show more content…

However, the QE trained group reduced mean number of putts per round by 1.92 shots and holed 5% more putts from 6-10ft. This is an important finding as per the 2010 PGA Tour putts per round statistic. In these statistics, if an elite golfer ranked last, experienced a 1.92 putts per round improvement, he would climb 167 places to 28th in the world for the putting statistic (PGA Tour Putting Statistics 2010).

Conclusion: In a competitive putting environment, where anxiety and pressure are high, a brief quiet eye training intervention should be implemented into preparation for an event, in order to protect the golfer against the debilitating effects of anxiety and pressure on …show more content…

From the very beginning, the authors talk about how lots of research in golf focuses on improving accuracy in golf putting, which is exactly what this paper is about. The authors also discuss more in depth the mechanisms behind accuracy in golf putting and how quiet eye training may be able to affect the cognitive processing behind visuomotor skills.

The experimental methods are described well. The authors choose to break down the measures individually and give a clear paragraph with a sub-heading to each measure. The specific training protocol also has its own subheading and is easy to locate within the paper. Specific quiet eye training instructions are separated from the text and are numbered clearly for the reader to see.

Furthermore, the study design and methods are very much appropriate for the purposes of the study. The study’s set-up and methods allows the authors to address the aims set in the introduction, and they do so in the discussion and conclusion. In addition, the procedures are thoroughly detailed and allow for reproduction from academic readers. The procedures are listed to such a level that gives the study a strong level of

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