
Quantitative Critical Appraisal

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Quantitative Critical Appraisal Hypertension (HTN) is a chronic disease that can affect young and old worldwide. As the population ages understanding and ability to follow the prescribed plan of care can decline. To prevent chronic diseases related to uncontrolled HTN, nurses provide education regarding the prescribed plan of care. Nurses assure that patients can understand and follow through with this plan of care. At first glance it appears that Machado et al. provide information that may help guide today’s nurse in providing education appropriate to the elderly patient with hypertension. Due in part to problems with understanding related to language and cultural barriers, Machado et al. fall short in their presentation. Problem Statement …show more content…

Machado et al. did not address the scope of the problem or consequences of the problem in the problem statement. However, these items were identified in the introduction leading up to the problem statement as complications of uncontrolled HTN with low rates of adherence to treatment associated with advanced age and disparaging public health factors (Machado et al., 2017). The problem is identified as systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) requiring treatment changes that might be difficult to institute or maintain for the elderly population due to various factors (Machado et al., 2017). Machado et al. briefly address the background and knowledge gaps as aspects related to culture, the health environment and individual capacities (2017). A proposed solution is introduced in the problem statement to build a relationship with the HTN patient to with the patient in corroborating on a plan of care that the patient is able understand and will follow through with (Machado et al., …show more content…

did not reveal the sampling technique used. It is assumed that a consecutive sampling technique was used to select the sample group of patients that met the study’s eligibility criteria, including the inclusion and exclusion criterion. Tests such as the mini-mental state examination were performed to control confounding variables. Descriptors were utilized including medical condition, location, and enrollment in a diabetes and hypertension monitoring system of the population. Machado et al. did fail to list the number and characteristics of potential participants who declined to participate in the study but did account for this occurrence with a 10% increase to the sample calculation for losses and refusals (2017). According to Machado et al. the population size for this study was 300 elderly people, of the population a formula for studies with groups was adopted with a 10% increase for losses and refusals (2017). This resulted in a sample group of 145 elderly persons that completed the study (Machado et al., 2017). Polit & Beck explain that the larger a sample size in relation to the population size, the less likely it is for a sampling error to occur (2017). In this case, the sample size appears to be sufficient to represent the population elderly people with

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