
Racial Advertising

Decent Essays

There’s no such thing as bad publicity: the successful nature of racist advertising in our malevolent culture

Unilever, the maker of Dove, have really put themselves in it, so to speak. And there is no shortage of contrition: we apologize, they say; we deeply regret the offense we have caused; we got it wrong. Or have they? Shock value for the sake of rounding up the crowds, is as old as the days of Mae West and PT Barnum.

In today’s market, one could hardly name one brand of soap that’s a clear leader from the aisles of competing brands at the local supermarket. And to achieve any significant level of recognition in such a hyper-saturated, hyper-competitive market, takes big bucks. Here’s where Dove comes in. Positioned as a premium brand, Dove competes with …show more content…

Consequently, one might say they have no reason to jeopardize their market position by engaging in the kind of racist advertising they promoted on Facebook. Regardless of the significant push back and outrage about the ad, Dove, will ultimately benefit from the exposure by way of brand recognition. One might say that it’s not the kind of recognition any company would want, but let’s get real. We live in a culture that has stubbornly harbored racist attitudes since its founding and what little changes have been made towards improving the perception and position of people of color in the United States, has only occurred within the last 40-50 years and in the present political climate, even those minimal changes are under threat.

Therefore, it is not surprising that companies such as Unilever, carefully calibrate and release racist advertising to help them standout in the market. They have significant PR teams that will help guide them through the public apology process, perform their mea culpa dance, and off they go back to business as usual along with increased recognition that

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