
Racial Disparities Essay

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Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities
While the ACA has been successful in reducing the rate of uninsured, it has failed in a number of other areas. Data organized by age reveals significant problems when it comes to groups who are uninsured, we can see a stark contrast between age groups. Among the 15.7% of Americans that are uninsured, approximately 55.2% of those are comprised of Americans aged 19 to 34 years of age. This is relatively unsurprising as young people have always been less likely to purchase health insurance as the result of what many have described as some sort of invincibility complex. The data on uninsured Americans becomes truly interesting when analyzing the data as it relates to race and ethnicity. Whites compromise 64.3% …show more content…

The conservative plan hinges on competition and the idea that the market will resolve issues of affordability and the rate of uninsured. The idea is that any person would be able to purchase a plan from a health insurance company regardless of state residency. Essentially, a resident of Michigan would be allowed to purchase health insurance from any of the other 49 states. Theoretically, this would stimulate competition and drive down prices. In turn, the lowered cost of health insurance would allow for greater access and drive down the rate of uninsured …show more content…

In a political climate exemplified by partisan conflict and lack of compromise, it will be difficult to pass either the more conservative or progressive plans. However, certain scenarios could occur that would allow for significant policy change. If a Republican were to win the presidency, and Republicans maintained the House and Senate, the political climate could allow for change in a more conservative direction. Similarly, if a progressive like Bernie Sanders were to win the election and Democrats retook Congress, a policy window could be opened to implement a universal healthcare system that would be federally provided rather than

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