
Racial Profiling

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Racial Profiling Within Airlines Federal agencies and Airline companies should not be allowed to remove people from a plane and detain them for their skin color, making this a wrongful practice of racial profiling. The American public forms and influences Iron Triangles into spreading their own beliefs that are then practiced within certain government agencies. Policies are then written and passed that allow such acts as this to be used on the general population. Shoshana Hebshi and two other men became victims of these acts while on a plane in 2013. These acts of discrimination can be changed only if the American public will stand up and force these Iron Triangles to push the Federal agencies and Airline companies to change their ways. On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Shoshana Hebshi and two other Indian-American men were removed from a Frontier Airlines flight. Shoshana was “…strip-searched, and jailed more than four hours in a dirty cell because of her ethnic background.” (Warikoo) According to Hebshi, the two men that were with her on the plane were detained after some passengers had complained of suspicious activity all because they had gotten up and went to the restroom. Hebshi just so happened to be sitting next to them and had similar skin color, so that is why she was detained as well. She repeadtedly asked what was going on, but no one would ever tell her anything. Hebshi describes her emotions as “…frightened and humiliated…” (Warikoo). The main cause of this

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