
Racism in The Bluest Eye Essay

Decent Essays

Racism in The Bluest Eye

"There is really nothing more to say--except why.
But since why is difficult to handle, one must take refuge in how." When bad things happen to us, the first thing we ask ourselves is "why"? Most of the time however, the answer to "why" is not readily available to us, and sometimes there is not an answer at all. Racism has been a concept which has existed from the beginning of human civilization. For some reason, the "whites" believed they were superior to everyone who was not white for a very long time. There has always been a misconception that racism exists strictly against blacks from whites. However, Morrison shows the reader every aspect of racism: whites against blacks, …show more content…

In another episode in the novel, when Pecola is on her way to buy her Mary Janes, the reader is able to realize the extent of the impact this idealization had (and still has) on
African-American as well as many other cultures.
Morrison makes a point to emphasize the fact that this affected everyone in the novel, whether the character admired or despised this ideal. Mrs. Breedlove "passed on" to Pecola the insecurity she had "acquired" throughout her life. Her insecurity and self-hate had been in her since her childhood but it was made worse by her emulating the movie actresses. The reader first sees Pecola encountered with racism from a white man with Mr. Yacobowski. She goes to the store to buy Mary Janes and "He does not see her, because for him there is nothing to see." The narrator emphasizes the fact that "their ugliness was unique."
She does not state this because it is her opinion, or anyone else's for that matter, but because "No one could have convinced them that they were not relentlessly and aggressively ugly." The narrator states that they
(except for Cholly) "wore their ugliness---although it did not belong to them." This ugliness had everything to do with the fact that they were black, especially for
Mrs. Breedlove and Pecola. Mrs. Breedlove wanted to look like a movie star and Pecola wanted blue eyes, both cases were unrealistic and

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