
Informative Speech About Rap Music

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Music comes in a lot of different genres (forms) such as “popular music” (pop), rhythm and blues (R&B), classical music, jazz, country, blues, rock and roll to the most recent music rap music. All these forms have their starting points and I aim to familiarize you with some of these genres and their roots. Their history to present time. After studying these different genres, I’ve come to realizes they all have some similarities and some quite obvious differences. Also how they started from each other in some situations. As we go on this journey I’ll explain in light detail what music has meant to the growth of Americans and the growth of me. I wish I could give you the entire history, but there isn’t enough paper it write it all down on. They say music calms the “savage beast”, and it is a true statement, but I’m here to let you know that it does a lot more than that. It entertains the entire world, and without it, it’s hard to image the state of our planet. …show more content…

From there I’ll give you tad bits of different forms of music. When people heard “pop music” they immediately think of talents such as Michael Jackson (known as the king of pop) or stars like Madonna and Mariah Carey. By the way popular music has long and illustrious history. Getting contributes from many races and nationalities. What is popular music? The obvious answer is music that is popular or at least created with social success in mind. The answer prompts additional questions that complicate the issues. How do we measure popularity? I have a viewpoint, and others may have theirs. Most consider Bing Crosby the most popular singer of the first half of the century, selling over 300 million record. Including 28 million copies of “White Christmas”, the bestselling single of all times. The Beatles rang up even more impressive

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