
Raul Castro Research Paper

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Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Raul Castro have some things in common. One of those things are ; that they both are Latin American leaders . Later on you will learn about their life and how they became leaders. You will also learn about the differences and the things they have in common . Another thing that you will learn is about their impact on their own country and how they changed the country into what it is today . I will first speak about Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and after her I will speak about Raul Castro.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was born on February 19, 1953 in La Plata, Buenos Aires.
Her father was a bus driver, he is of Spanish descent and her mother is German.She studied law at the National University of La Plata during the 1970s .She met her husband during her studies, and they moved to Santa Cruz to work as lawyers.Cristina became …show more content…

Now I will be telling about Raul Castro’s life. Raul Castro was born on June 3,1931 near Biran, Cuba. Raul has spent most of his life living in his older brother’s shadow, Fidel, Castro. Raul is one of the five children, from a Spanish landowner,Raul grew up in his father’s farm with his siblings. He used to go to school temporarily before he got expelled.After from being expelled Raul went back to work on his father’s farm. When Raul was in his teens he joined a socialist group and he attended a conference for communist youth in Vienna,

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