
Essay On Officer Lerma

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Officer Lerma, this is your annual Employee Performance Appraisal. This appraisal reflects the observations made by myself as well as Sgt. Drake A9663 and Sgt. Camenisch B0467 from your Blue Team Supervisor Notes. During this period you have been assigned to Durango Jail on Shift 2. 1. Quantity of Work: Officer Lerma, Shift 2 is the busiest shift, as we have more visits, medical appointments, transfers, searches, and emergency situations than any other shift at Durango Jail. You are able to handle the extra workload with minimal effort or instruction. You are always eager to complete assigned tasks and duties on or before they should be completed. You have demonstrated the ability to multitask and to keep up with a large amount of work. You can be relied upon by both your supervisors and peers to lend an extra hand whenever assistance is needed. You have a good understanding of your assigned tasks and are well aware of the responsibilities of the duty post whether you are assigned to a housing unit, court desk, or medical. 2. Quality of Work: I have reviewed only a few Disciplinary Action Reports (DAR’s) that you have written in the past year. All of them have been well written with enough details to support the rule violations. I would encourage you to write more DAR’s as they are an effective and important way to document inmate behavior. Your Online Journal entries are accurate, clear and complete. This is important as the OJ entries are considered

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