
Reflection On Leadership

Decent Essays

At the beginning of the semester after taking the assessment I found out that I needed to work on my leadership skills in influencing others specifically motivating performance, ethical power and team dynamics. I also found that my interpersonal skills like communication needed some work. My stronger human relation skills include valuing diversity, organizational change, behavior, human relations and self-performance. “Five personal human relation goals I would like to improve over the semester are my skills in influencing others and being a good team leader. I would also like to strengthen my team dynamics, creativity, problem solving, and decision making. I also need to strengthen some areas in communications and organizational change. By strengthening my human relation skills, it will help me work more effectively at work and be a more efficient and proficient worker.” (from assignment one) I believe since starting this course I have defiantly learned some valuable techniques to strengthen my motivating performance, ethical power and team dynamics. In this paper I am mainly going to write about improving my motivational skills, my ethical power and my team dynamics. I feel that these are the three areas that I struggle in the most and therefore need the most attention. In order to motivate others, I have to not rely so much on extrinsic motivators and try to recognize what they have done and tie it to a reward so they know that there are doing a good job. Today

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