
Regulating Toxic Chemicals

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Synthesis Paper Water is an essential quality in life that you need to live. Yet many people don't realize that how important it is in life until it could be taken away. John Thorson, a water rights and lawyer, says “ water links us to our neighbor in a way more profound and complex than any other.” It is a way people are connected around economically, socially, and environmentally. Some struggle to have clean water to drink and others can not find clean water at all. Pollution of water is a real and dangerous thing that is happening in the city of Flint, Michigan. Colby Itkowitz writes an article, “ The heroic professor who helped uncover the Flint lead water crisis has been asked to fix it.” About a man by the name of Mark Edwards. He is …show more content…

On January 9, Charleston, West Virginia residents began to smell a strong odor in the air. There were several complaints and something was obviously wrong. Inspectors soon came upon a 40,000 gallon tank that had been leaking from a chemical storage unit. The object was an oily substance. It had run into the Elk River just upstream from an intake of a drinking water supply for 300,000 people. The chemical that leaked into the river was used for washing mined coal. “ At 6 p.m., after residents had been using their tap water all day, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin declared a state of emergency, ordering people in nine counties not to drink, cook with or bathe in the contaminated water.” (Weeks) If there isn't any water to drink from the faucet then how do you get any water? People quickly went for stores to get bottles of water so they could at least drink. After some test the government said the water was okay to use. Yet people were still filling up the hospital with unknown rashes, nausea, and other symptoms. The spill revealed the flaws and uncertainty of the federal and state laws. This time the water linked the people of Charleston to the government. The government didn't take the right precautions and told the people the water was safe to drink. But people kept getting sick. So they thought maybe there is still something wrong in the water and then told people that the water might not be very

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