
Relationship Analysis Paper: The Five Stages Of Interpersonal Communication

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Relationship Analysis Paper Austin Ayers New Mexico State University The idea that will be focused on throughout this paper is; what is Interpersonal communication? The idea seems quite simple from the outside in, but if you were to take a deeper look at the subject you might find it to be a rather complex. To start lets simplify things a little bit. We can begin by thinking about just how people that have become acquainted with one another, and communicate in a romantic relationship. This idea can be broken up into five stages, but we will be looking at only the first two. The first stage would be the Initiating Stage, “This stages is about catching another’s attention…” (Jeanne Flora, 2013, 111) This stage focuses on getting to know …show more content…

This is where you learn personal things about that individual such as interests and personal stories. This allows the implication of small talk ensuring a safe topic of conversations, instead of fully disclosing sensitive information while still being uncertain how the other person will react. (Jeanne Flora, 2013) This is a very important stage because it is something that is persistent throughout the remainder of the relationship to continue to become informed on the other person as they change their interests and beliefs over …show more content…

As we became even better acquainted with one another the superficial questions that had once been asked where replaced with more personal questions. Which helped us to get to know one another on a more individual level. As described in the text this was indeed a gradual transition between the stages as we began to ask questions about one another’s personal lives. We commenced in breaking down some of the personal barriers that we had between one another over time. While still maintaining a casual type of conversation between us ensuring that we would not delve into significant information that might have changed the way we viewed one another such as personal beliefs or political affiliation. I find that this stage is vastly important due to the fact that it persists throughout the entirety of the relationship as these questions can be revisited and more often than not get different answers as your partner changes their viewpoints on certain issues as well as ideals that they had once

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