
Relationships In Health And Social Care Essay

Decent Essays

You need certain skills and attributes to develop relationships with other individuals, this will then allow you to care for and meet their needs. A skill is having the ability to carry out a certain task out well or being an expert in something, an example of this could be carrying on a convocation or giving an injection to an individual. Personal attributes are qualities or characteristics you have which make you who you are, an example of this could be if you are a happy and caring individual. The way that professionals work within each health and social care sector is supported by a set of basic values which influence working practices …show more content…

Competence: having the ability to understand an individual’s needs, as well as having the expertise and knowledge to provide effective care to individuals. 4. Communication: providing and exchanging information that helps to provide care and support, this can be between 1 or more individuals. 5. Courage: the vision and personal strength to do the right thing for the individual being cared for. 6. Commitment: the determination to meet a service user’s individual needs and improve care. People skills People skills help us get on with other individuals and help us to develop relationships. Some of these skills are listed below: o Empathy: is having the ability to understand and share the emotions of other individuals. o Patience: is having the capacity to tolerate or accepted problems without becoming anxious or annoyed. o Engendering Trust: is having the ability to get individuals to trust you. o Flexibility: is having the ability to change your own plans so you can fit in with others. o Sense of Humour: is being able to see the funny and amusing side of situations. o Negotiating Skills: is the process in which two parties or individuals with different interest or perspectives, attempt to reach an agreement, for example a doctor and the

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