
Rene Descartes Dream Argument

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In Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, the first meditation he hypothesize an argument which suggest that there is no definitive way to validate whether we are awake or dreaming. Now, Descartes does not actually believe that the world we live in is an entire dream, he uses the dream argument as a way to break us in our beliefs and acceptance of sensory experiences; causing doubt. In the meditations Descartes target is to investigate knowledge. In order for the metaphysical problem to be dealt with it is important for Descartes to sort out truths and know with certainty. He successfully unravels all attempts to show a difference in being conscious versus unconscious validating his argument. First I will explain why Descartes presents the dream argument, next I will explain the dream argument itself, and lastly, I will proceed to prove it true. Descartes decides to start on a dubious task to clear all false …show more content…

If this is the case, then one can determine what is correct and what is false, e.g. realistic dreaming. For example, what if one dreamt of a imaginary creature, one the composed into two real things, like a mermaid (fish and woman). They do not actually exist so seeing one is false, therefore can determine when dreaming or not. Hence, what is seen is not what is actually there and able to see through the deception. This is a valid concern but I believe that Descartes would respond by stating that if one dreams of a creature, like a mermaid, and believed it to be true, then could be deceived. Which follows is if one can admit that dreams can be deceiving and afterwards realize the mistake, it still stands that one still fell under deception. Which concludes that yes, you can recognize deception but only after it has happened and isn’t avoiding but just realizing. One’s senses can still be

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