
Rene Descartes Fifth Meditation Essay

Decent Essays

Rene Descartes in his book Meditations on First Philosophy gives two distinct and valid arguments into the existence of God, which he explains in the Third Mediation and the Fifth Meditation. In the third meditation Descartes explains God as a substance that is eternal and extremely powerful. He calls these objective realities in which make up only a little of what God truly is. He goes onto explain that must have far more than just objective reality but formal reality as well. He knows that the concept of an everlasting and all-powerful creature couldn’t have been created in him and comes to the conclusion of something (God) being the culprit of this idea of him. Descartes goes on to explain and back his theory of God’s existence by mentioning …show more content…

Descartes then bring up the aspect of deception in this argument. He see’s God’s potential effort for deception as an …show more content…

In the fifth meditation Descartes talks about things. These things beings objects all have existed outside of the mind and still have a being. For example, if I were thinking of an object with three sides, it must be a triangle, even if I don’t know what the word is, it is still a triangle that I am thinking about. The triangle must have properties (three sides) that must associate itself with that shape. Though I may not know the name I understand the properties of something with three sides, which must be a triangle. Descartes then goes onto connect the triangle, and objects, with the existence of God. He says that if the essence of God exists in his mind then God must exist must like if he is thinking of three sides then he must be thinking of a triangle. If the qualities of God are clear in his mind then the existence of God must be true. Descartes argues that if science and math claim that if you are thinking of something with three sides in your head it must be a triangle, then thinking of clearly distinct properties like all knowing, all powerful, everlasting must also be able to be proven like wise. This proof relies heavily on perceptions like the last proof and relies heavily on the aspect of

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