
Rene Descartes Research Paper

Decent Essays

Essay Three Descartes
Rene Descartes is famous for his teachings on philosophy, physics and geometry. He is largely considered one of the greatest thinkers of the modern age. What we learn from Descartes is his methodological approach to philosophy, setting him apart from many earlier scholars. Descartes used this method of analysis to study math, science and even the very existence of God. His conclusions, debate many of the subjects he analyzed; however, his position on the existence of God is indisputable.
In Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes looks closely at three ideas about God. First, he investigates the possibility that he is being deceived by God. Next, he delves into the likelihood that he may …show more content…

He looks at what we are able to conceive with our minds and suggests there is no higher being, only a notion that has been created by our own minds. “I would do well to deceive myself by turning my will in completely the opposite direction and pretend for a time that these opinions are wholly false and imaginary…” By comparison, Descartes causes us to question the perception of a spirit being that is powerful, yet evil or demonic. Perhaps this being is focused on deception instead of goodness and righteousness. The “Evil Genius” that he refers to is, “powerful and clever, who has directed his entire effort at deceiving me.” (Descartes' Epistemology). This would explain the frailties and imperfections we possess if we are derived from an evil being.
Finally, Descartes clearly states that God exists and supports his argument with the theory, “I think, therefore I am”. His belief is, God exists because he is able to conceive the idea of a perfect God. His mind, he argues, could not begin to conceive this idea, if God did not actually exist. “Indeed I have no choice but to conclude that the mere fact of my existing and of there being in me an idea of a most perfect being, that is, God, demonstrates most evidently that God too exists.” (Meditation III

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