
Revolutionary War Dbq

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The Revolutionary War, America’s conflict with Great Britain, the most powerful country in the world at the time, resulted in the independence of the United States of America. Through a war that lasted just over eight years, a relatively small country, which was actually a largely oversized settlement connected by roads, villages, towns, and cities before they won the war, was able to defeat the British with the help of France along the way. The war was caused by the rebellious reactions of the colonists to the taxes and acts that King George III had put into place to pay for the cost of the French and Indian War. The colonists were angered because of the taxes they were forced to pay for a war that was not theirs. The Revolutionary War proved …show more content…

Saratoga was ultimately two battles, one in which the British had won. The first skirmish of Saratoga went to the British because of their seemingly foolproof divide and conquer strategy. John Burgoyne planned to invade the colonies by advancing down the Hudson Valley to Albany. He would then be joined by troops who were under the command of Sir William Howe. Burgoyne believed that their current strategy would isolate New England from the other colonies and would allow to assume control of the Hudson River which would demoralize the colonists and their allies. Burgoyne and his forces set off for Ticonderoga and prepared to meet their …show more content…

The demand for war drove prices up multiple times which caused their money to become nearly worthless. Once the war was over and the demand suddenly fell, it created even more inflation. However, the war did create some economical advancements for the new country. The limitations that Britain put in place were no longer active, so the harbor opened once again and allowed multiple manufacturing companies to grow and expand. Agriculture was also allowed to expand because of territorial lines that were taken out of commision. With no limitations or laws from Britain to prevent them from doing the things that would allow them to grow and progress, the young country was free to do what was best for

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