
Revolving Door Law Case Summary

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In the given situation, EDA has contracted WEA during the design phase of the expansion of these transportation facilities. WEA was the general contractor and decided to hire R&F as a subcontractor for specific duties during the design phase. The issue begins in the construction phase, if EDA were to contract Savmor. Unlike other bidders, Savmore would hire R&F as a sub-consultant. This was seen as unfair to other bidders for the project because R&F was already a sub-consultant during the design phase. This may cause a conflict of interest. Given this text, we believe R&F should not be precluded from working for Savmore or any other contractors. However, this can only be the case under certain conditions. One condition that is required for …show more content…

Ultimately, the motivation behind the “Revolving Door Law” and similar laws is to prevent a company from receiving compensation twice for the same work. So, it is important to determine, whenever a company contributes work, what matters the company participated in by doing said work. Deciding that a company's work constitutes participation in one matter does not necessarily mean that that same work does not constitute participation in a different matter. Participating in one matter could also constitute participation in another matter if the company's work in the first matter is heavily used in the second matter: for instance if the second matter involved assessing or analyzing the work of the first matter. This is portrayed in the Texas Ethics Commission Advisory Opinion 523. According to Texas’s Ethics Commission, they do not “prohibit a former employee of the Texas Department of Transportation from performing services related to a bridge replacement project...unless the services would include a review or analysis of a matter in which the former employee participated as an employee of the agency” (1). As long as the work has no ties and similarities to the earlier work, R&F should be allowed to work according to the TEC. Since R&F is not even the primary contractor, as they are serving as a subcontractor for Savmore, there should be even more lenience applicable to their

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