
Rhetorical Analysis : My Life

Decent Essays

Until I started this rhetorical analysis paper I wasn’t aware that the things I display in my room say things about me. I never thought about how they make me look as a person or what my audience would assume about me based on these items. When I started analyzing, all these questions started popping up. I was finally able to step back and see myself how others might see me. When asked by my teacher to pick 3 items that describe myself from my bedroom I didn’t have any trouble picking them out. When it came down to it, I 'd always choose the same 3 items: A wall of family pictures, a Pride flag and a mirror with notes and pictures all over it.
The first Item I chose from my bedroom was a wall of pictures displayed to the left of my closet. …show more content…

My flag is 5 ft. by 4 ft. and made of very thin material. From top to bottom the colors go from red-purple in the same order as a rainbow. I got my flag when I went to my first Pride Festival in 2016. Since then I 've used it for some of my favorite senior photos! My absolute favorite senior photo is one of me in a blue Lexington Wildcats T-shirt and jeans and I 'm laying on top of my Pride flag with my head propped up on my hand. Now my flag hangs proudly above my TV until its time for my next Pride Festival. This flag is very important to me because I want my audience to know how far I 've come and how comfortable I am with who I am and what my sexual orientation is. I came out to the majority of my family and friends in 2015 around fall time. I went through a lot of stages where I felt bad about myself and who I was but through the support of my family and friends I was finally able to become comfortable with who I am. So to show this, I leave my flag hanging as a reminder that I 'm perfect just the way I am! The audience of this is also my friends, family, and even those in the LGBT community. I 'm lucky to have friends and family who are as supportive as anyone can be, so it makes them very happy to see my flag hanging when they come into my room. I would say that I 'm using both ethos and pathos in this, I 'm using pathos because my flag hanging evokes my audience to feel happy for me and how far I 've come since 2015. I also would say ethos, ethos is

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