
Rhetorical Analysis Of Don 't Like The Candidates?

Decent Essays

The Rhetorical Analysis of, “Don’t Like the Candidates? Vote Anyway” There are many ways to convey a message to readers. Often times authors, speech writers, etc., refer to Aristotle’s three main concepts of rhetoric, Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos is considered to be the, “credibility,” of the author. Pathos is the idea of, “emotional appeal,” to the audience. Finally, Logos is the translated as the, “logic,” involved when making a point. All forms of rhetoric have at least one of these concepts, while good arguments incorporate a well balanced mixture of the three. In the newspaper The New York Times, an article was recently published pertaining to the upcoming 2016 election titled, “Don’t Like the Candidates? Vote Anyway.” The author, Adam Grant, forged this persuasive-argumentative selection to convince readers to vote, despite both candidates lacking in several areas(3). Grant makes good use of all three of Aristotle’s ideas to construe a well thought out and convincing message to his audience. His ideas are executed in an excellent manner. Furthermore, not one of Aristotle’s ideas is used more than any other. This helps to streamline his main points, and create an even harmony within the article. Grant’s article effectively argues his point that people should vote no matter what, with the use of Aristotle’s three rhetorical ideas in a balanced fashion. Numerous examples of Ethos can be identified throughout the writing. To begin with, Adam Grant is a writer for the

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