
Rhetorical Analysis Of Kennedy's Inaugural Speech

Decent Essays

John F. Kennedy’s inauguration speech was considered one of the most inspirational speeches in American history. He gave the speech to bolster the fighting spirit and act as an inspiration for the Americans. The reason for this is quite simple actually. He used stylistic devices extensively in his speech to boldly proclaim his intentions. He has proven himself resourceful in his usage of stylistic devices such as antithesis, parallelism, pathos, and ethos. He uses them to fully express his message and to gain the attention and the support of his people in a patriotic fashion. One of the examples of his use of antithesis is when Kennedy is referring to “a new generation of Americans” where he vividly shows the separation between the old and …show more content…

As well as, “signifies renewal as well as change….” for the same reasons as stated previously. This antithesis is used to band the new and the old breed together, and help them work together to achieve Kennedy’s ambition of creating the perfect nation, where his people would be united with brotherhood under one purpose, seeing themselves as equal beings, setting their differences aside and this would prepare them for the challenges the Americans would face in the future. All of this was done by his effective use of antithesis which is one of the reasons why this speech was so revered as one of the most powerful and patriotic speeches. Whether his cause was for the best is another story however. Now, we talk about his effective uses of the older methods of public speaking. More specifically, pathos and ethos. He uses ethos in the lines where he says “explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.”In Kennedy’s background, it was known that he was a zealous follower of Christianity and this is evident when he cites God and the Bible in some of his lines. This was done to fabricate an imagery of his personal character and that to show he was just as zealous of supporting the nation as he is zealous into following his …show more content…

This was one of his favorite weapons in his arsenal. It is because, through his use of parallelism, he is able to express his perspective in a smooth manner. He is also able to skillfully manipulate the audience into cementing their attention into his speech. He can even add a strong foundation for his speech and he can easily follow up and build his case further through his resourcefulness with parallelism. Parallelism might be the best tool John F Kennedy has mastered when building a speech. He is so resourceful with it, that he is able to construct powerful statements to attract and cement attention. This is clearly evident when he describes science as “power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life”, using powerful words that strikes fear into his audience, therefore further cementing their attention to him. He also does this when he proclaims his plans for conserving power for goals associated in achieving more freedom for his nation, and perhaps this is one of the biggest reasons for the fame for his speech. As one can see, it easily engages the audience to his

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