
Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream Speech

Decent Essays

There is a reason why Martin Luther Kings, “I have a Dream,” speech stands and is recognized as one of the greatest speeches of all time. MLK’s form of rhetorical demands for justice for the indifference to the black community is a touchstone for all to express and relate to the American racial tragedies of their time. Focusing on some of the specific examples (facts) to “ground” MLK’s arguments, to help enforce the use of Metaphors to emphasize contrasting concepts, while following the theme of repetition throughout, “I have a dream.” Within the speech, through audio recordings, the solid firm voice that the preacher to the masses utilizes is a significant acceptance to the lifestyle and constant training that MLK faced throughout his entire life. MLK knew that he had to use emotion to persuade his audience, Aristotle spoke of three distinct possible ways to persuade an audience: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. MLK uses pathos as his primary method to gain the appeal of his audience. MLK also knew that in the speech to follow there would be many different classes of people and education amongst this audience therefore he spoke to the people using emotion and spirituality to put everyone …show more content…

These events aim to make people remember the troubled times that many experienced. Utilizing facts to enforce the overall concept is a tool, a useful tool when it is regard to the people. Individuals understand facts it is the basis for a concept to push and move people. MLK understands through religion and that of being educated, facts can’t be denied only more information can be found out by that incident. That is why it is important to stay informed and aware of the past mistakes, because those incidents are likely to happen again, and people aren’t fond on known mistakes or

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