
Rhetorical Analysis On Banksy

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Throughout the course of time, Banksy’s street art is known for bringing a specific point across through his affective use of certain visual art that are very eye opening. For example, his signature use of black and white paints for the image itself and a very bold color such as red for magnifying the text. His art also brings up very controversial topics that most of his audience fail to realize or recognize. In one of his many famous pieces of art, he effectively uses the four rhetorical considerations and the two Aristotic considerations to convey to his audience that there are still many societies that have no interest in girls getting an education. When looking from a far, a person appears to see just an outline of a little girl on the ground holding something but “what?” In Banksy art, he uses a lot life size figures to make his audience question “Who’s over there”. From this stimulating question, the person ultimately walks over to satisfy their curiosity, which is a strong trait he has. As the person moves in closer to the painting, he/she sees is not even real so now they ask “Why is little girl on ground? What is she holding? What do the bold capitalized letters in red say?” As they approach closer, they develop more questions, which enhance their curiosity and determination to finding answers. His painting does a great job of actually captivating his audience. They …show more content…

The sadness of the girl’s eyes, how her hair and clothes are kept, the way she is seats on the ground, and the way her head is turned makes the audience feel a sense of sadness, empathy, and a sense of determination. A viewer would

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