
Rhetorical Analysis of Why Chinese Mother Are Superior Essay

Decent Essays

Dang Dao
Instructor Erin Todey
English 250
Feb 9th, 2013
Tiger Mother Amy Chua and Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior It is true that the ways the parents raise their children will decide how well the children grow, especially the mothers who impact their children the most. There is no right or wrong in how a mother takes care of her children. All of them want the best for their children. The only difference is the level of intensity in how to raise a child. In Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior, Amy Chua, a professor at Yale Law School believes that the ways Chinese mothers raise their children are the most effective ways. Her main purpose of this article is to state the differences between Western mothers and Chinese mothers which …show more content…

The gap between the numbers surprises the readers. They might predict how different the perspectives of the mothers between two cultures are; however, they would not have thought that there would be 70% differences. Not only statistics, the number of examples Amy Chua uses in the articles were more than enough to persuade the readers. There are at least seven examples which are in paragraph 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, and 20. Her examples vary from small scale stories, conversations to big arguments, and thoughts. Although her examples are a bit too much focused on her, they provided the “differences” that Amy Chua wants to show through many areas such as grades, compliment, punishment, as well as her own experiences with her daughter Lulu. Another sub-technique that the author employs to gain effective content is writing style. Although this is an article about parenting education published on The Wall Street Journal, which is newspaper about business, Amy Chua puts into use simple words instead of fancy words in the entire article. This is a very good way to get close to the audience who I believe are parents and teenagers since they are the people who care most about the development of new generation through effective educational methods. Throughout the article, the author uses many quotes as well as conversations on the purpose of making her piece livelier. I feel like I was actually there when the conversations were happening. This makes

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