
Rhetorical Devices In Julius Caesar

Decent Essays

What would you do if your friend was stabbed but you couldn’t tell? This was the exact situation Marcus Antony faced when his friend Julius Caesar was stabbed by many men called the conspirators. Antony has to give a speech to the Roman people at Caesar’s funeral where he talks about the great things Caesar has done for Rome and its people. He can not talk wrongfully of the conspirators or he will end up like Caesar so he has to effectively use his language to persuade the crowd into believing that the conspirators wrongfully killed Caesar without telling them that the conspirators wrongfully killed Caesar. In act three of Julius Caesar Antony uses so many rhetorical appeals in order to persuade the crowd such as, ethos to give an appeal to Caesar and Brutus, logos to get the Roman people to want to hear more of what he is not telling, and pathos to make the crowd feel sorry for Caesar and join Anthony’s side. For instance in Julius Caesar Shakespeare uses ethos in Antony’s speech when Antony is talking about how great of a person Caesar was. It is written in J. Caesar, “He was my friend, faithful and just to me.” By saying this Antony hopes to make the crowd feel the same about Caesar as he feels. This is ethos because Antony is trying to describe Caesar’s personal image to the countrymen or romans. Antony also uses ethos again when he talks about Caesar’s love for Brutus. When Antony tells the crowd about how much Caesar loved Brutus he was trying to change the crowds perspective of the type of leader Brutus actually is. In act three Antony says, “How dearly Caesar loved him.” , referencing Brutus the crowd began to get angry at Brutus. Why would someone kill their best friend when the best friend only loved them dearly. The crowd saw this and began to understand where Antony was coming from. Antony using ethos paid off because he was able to change the personnel image of Brutus. Antony uses logos when he brings out Caesar’s will. Antony uses logos when he tells the crowd that he has Caesar’s will. He says, “But here’s a parchment with the seal of Caesar. I found it in his closet. ‘Tis his will. Let but the commons hear his testament- Which, pardon me, I do not mean

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