
Rhetorical Strategies Used In Patrick Henry's Speech

Decent Essays

Patrick Henry is an American attorney and politician from Virginia, who helped write the state’s constitution in 1776. Before that, he helped begin the American Revolution by stating his opinions on the crisis with Great Britain at the Virginia Convention in 1775. In his speech, he persuades the audience, who are delegates, to go to war with Great Britain. Henry does this by using many rhetorical strategies. The strategies he uses to defend his opinions are: imagery, repetition, and emotion. One rhetorical question Henry uses is imagery. Imagery used in the speech is more towards Great Britain in a negative way, but also towards the audience. In the quote “Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received?” uses imagery. …show more content…

Throughout the entire speech, he creates emotion that affects the audience. He created emotion throughout the speech by using other rhetorical strategies, such as repetition, imagery, rhetorical questions, and allusions. By using repetition, he made the audience feel some guilt. In the repetition “Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves” creates the guilt-feeling towards the audience, because if Henry were right about Great Britain, then the audience would be in fault for not going to war with Great Britain. By using imagery, the images of an “insidious smile”, “delusive phantoms of hope”, and slavery and chains, creates an unpleasant image to the mind making the audience feel angry, empty, and fearful. Henry uses many rhetorical questions. The use of the rhetorical questions is a question that can only be answered with one right answer. This is because the question being asked is the truth. Sometimes the truth can be hard to hear and accept. As Henry asks these questions, “But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?” he evokes fear towards the audience and perhaps anger. He also uses biblical allusions in the speech. He does this to create some credibility but also to provoke some trust from the audience. When Henry mentions God or the biblical allusion it comforted or delighted the audience to know that God is a role in his speech. Although Henry uses repetition, imagery, rhetorical questions, and allusions, he incorporated emotion to those three other rhetorical strategies used. Patrick Henry’s speech is to persuade the audience to go to war with Great Britain. He does this flawlessly by using the following rhetorical strategies: imagery, repetition, and emotion including other rhetorical strategies, such as rhetorical

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