
Robber Barons Research Paper

Decent Essays

It is evident that there are many subjects and controversies that one could choose to discuss, but the conversation of who actually put forth more work than the other is pretty significant. Many people believe that it was the Robber Barons that did all of the work in the businesses that made them what they were, but this essay is here for your sake to hopefully help those who believe this that not only was is the laborer that did all the work, but they created the very essence of what business and working conditioner should look like. The business laborers of the 19th century were put through hell to try to please the man that controlled the entire company; there were many unfair working conditions that workers faced, and many children whose school education was put …show more content…

The businesses that people bought from these companies were most likely forced into it. There were monopolies that were created during this time and even today that have forced people into giving up their old cheaper living styles for a more “expensive” living style. These men were so wealthy to the point where it was hard to imagine what they would ever do with this money. Most people would think, “Well then their workers should really benefit from working there, right?” very wrong. Most of the men and even children that worked in this environments were used basically as slaves; forced to work harder and faster, but not too fast for the fear of creating higher standards of the managers that looked over them. Many machines came into place during this era. Normally people would assume that this would help workers, but in reality, it made their lives significantly harder than it already was. There were no longer “skilled workers” only “skilled machines” that took over the role of the previous workers. This forced them to work harder and faster and put many people out their jobs. These men created today’s standards of how working conditions should be.

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