
Robert J. Samuelson's Inequality Misunderstood

Satisfactory Essays

Samuelson, Robert J. "Inequality Misunderstood." Washington Post. 03 Feb. 2014: A.15. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

Today’s economic inequality has led some Americans wishing for the rich to pay more in taxes. Leaving the rich speechless as to why they should pay more even after working hard to reach their goals. “The poor are not poor because the rich are rich”, as this was stated in the Inequality Misunderstood document by Robert J Samuelson, this proves the point as to the rich being able to work hard in order to have the money to support their family. The reason as to why the rich are rich is because of small businesses, including car dealerships, and also creating big companies such as Google or Microsoft. Even though there are few percentage of Americans who are rich because of inheriting their family fortunes, there was still that one person in their family who worked hard enough in order to provide this kind of support for his or her family. In this article, the author argues about the thesis of the economic inequality, because the poor want the rich to pay more in taxes because they are considered as “scapegoats.” …show more content…

In my opinion, the rich should not pay more in taxes because they have done nothing to the poor, in order to pay extra. Just because the rich are rich does not mean the poor should feel the need to make them pay more in taxes. Even though some rich people got rich because they got lucky with the inheritance from family members, it still does not give the poor to call the rich “scapegoats” just because they have them money to support themselves and their family and also have a little extra for other

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