
Role Of A Human Resources Department Essay

Decent Essays

Role and Function of a Human Resources Department In today’s work environment, organizations are continually seeking an advantage over the competition. One resource to assist with this ambition is to utilize the human resources (HR) department as a strategic partner in the micro and macro planning of the organization. This paper will define the role and function while distinguishing the duties and responsibilities of an effective HR department. Background Ellard Williams, Incorporated (EWI) is a manufacturing firm employing nearly 11,300 workers (Colorado State University - Global Campus, n.d.). At this time, the firm is experiencing deficiencies in the HR department, which is leading to ineffective processes and a drop in profits throughout the organization. A strategic analysis revealed a slump in growth, high turnover rate, underpaid staff, and a loss in profits if all activities remain the same (n.d.). As a result of the unsuccessful HR department, employee motivation, performance, and productivity are suffering that is causing production delays and high defect rates (n.d.). Role and Function The HR professional’s function is more than shuffling through applications, inputting data, and providing reports. “Among HR roles, many authors argue that the “strategic role” is a pivotal one for HR professionals in today’s organization” (Mitchell et al, 2013, p. 900). What this means for HR professionals is they should participate in developmental and organizational

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