
S. B 1070

Decent Essays

The summer of 2010 was proven to be an especially historic one for immigration policy in the United States. In late spring 2010, Arizona passed Senate Bill 10701 —an extraordinary law that reflects and has provoked intense reactions by political leaders, commentators, and the public. The bill raises critical issues of race, security, sovereignty, civil rights, state power, and foreign relations. Such issues encompass larger debates about modern immigration law and policy, and are worthy of sustained public commentary and scholarly discourse. The impact of S.B. 1070 on the criminal justice system of Arizona—the duties and powers of Arizona law enforcement and prosecutorial authorities, and the relationship of the state legislation to federal …show more content…

Shadow immigration enforcement occurs when state or local police officers with no immigration enforcement authority exercise their regular police powers in a distorted way for the purpose of increasing federal immigration enforcement. Shadow enforcement typically involves the disproportionate targeting of vulnerable “foreign-seeming” populations for hyper-enforcement for reasons wholly independent of suspected involvement in criminal activity as defined by state or local …show more content…

Identifying the central issues raised by S.B. 1070, which creates many new crimes and duties. In the article, the authors mention how critically, what this law means, including ultimate judgments about its constitutionality, will turn on decisions yet to be finally made. Although, several lawsuits against S.B. 1070 have been filed, including a challenge of the law by the United States, on preemption and commerce clause

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