
Safeguarding Unit 204

Satisfactory Essays

Assignment 204 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care SAFEGUARDING This booklet is designed to be used as a reminder and reference for people who work in the care profession The following are all types of abuse and their definition. Physical abuse: hitting, slapping, kicking. Sexual abuse: unwanted advances, indecent exposure, harassment of a sexual nature. Emotional/psychological abuse: intimidation, blaming. Financial abuse: misappropriation of monies/funds, not giving correct change. Institutional abuse: where a person is not treated as an individual. Neglect: inadequate care, denial of basic rights Physical Abuse • Injuries that are the shape …show more content…

All employees have a duty of care to report any concerns of abuse they have. These might include evidence or suspicions of bad practice by colleagues and managers (whistleblowing), or abuse by another service user, staff or their family and friends. The correct actions to take if an idividual tells you they are being abused. The key things to do when an individual discloses abuse is: Assume the person is telling the truth. Speak to them in a clam and sensitive way. Listen carefully and make sure you record what was said. If the person needs medical attention you would call the emergency service or call a doctor as appropriate, and inform your line manager immediately, or another senior person. If this is a criminal matter i.e. an alleged assault, rape or indecent exposure, call the police, if a senior was not on duty/available to do so. How to ensure that any evidence of abuse is kept safe It is important to record everything that has been said or disclosed, in the event of alleged abuse, include date/time, and sign it. This is because the information needs to be accurate, in case it is to be used in a legal investigation or proceedings. The written record should be stored in a secure place, for safety and to prevent others from seeing its content. If the alleged abuse is of sexual nature, it is advisable to ask the victim of abuse not to ‘wash’ themselves, or dispose of any clothing, as they may be contaminating/disposing vital

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