
Sammy In John Updike's A & P

Decent Essays

Sammy in “A & P” In the story Sammy works at an “A & P” grocery store as a clerk. Sammy is just an ordinary teenage boy who works at a grocery store in New England. It is Summer time and Sammy most likely has this job to help support his family. The story really kicks off when three girls come into the A&P grocery store, and they only have their bathing suits on. Sammy immediately takes notice to these girls and especially the leader “Queenie”. He also thinks she is the prettiest one. The girls came into the A&P looking for a jar of “Fancy Herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream.” He carefully watches their every move, and is definitely interested in these girls. This reveals Sammy is a very observant character, and definitely seems to be opinionated as well. He even looks into what these girls bathing suits look like, and to what the boundaries of their tan lines are. The girls walk around as if they own the store, which is a clue into their social status. Being Sammy and his observant personality he notices this as well. This is where Sammy’s weaknesses are revealed. He is so focused on these girls …show more content…

When he begins to realize the girls are nowhere to be found. A sense of reality hits him. He begins to think about the repercussions of what he has done. Sammy realizes his actions not only affected him, but his actions also affected his family. What will he tell his family? His family probably needed the money to help sustain the family. Jobs probably aren’t easy to come by. Sammy is definitely not the same person as he was in the beginning of the story. He starts out as the impulsive teenager not really thinking about his actions. He lets his interest in someone shadow his judgement. Once he quits his job he realizes the mistake he has made and how it will impact his life. Sammy definitely realizes he made a mistake but if he chooses to learn from his mistakes, well that’s up to

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