
Samsung: Client And Products

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Client and product
Samsung is an electronic company, that is specially designed for digital appliances. The company provides some Samsung home appliances like televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves and air conditioners to their customers. This was founded with the belief that any family can have a high-quality appliance in their homes or for their own personal use. Samsung was founded “by Byung-Chull Lee in 1938 in Taegu, Korea the company started as a food exporter in Korea” (Kovach). In 1970s Samsung started selling their first black and white TV and in 1979 Samsung Electronics came out, also Samsung is made up of over 80 businesses that have worked in different markets and Samsung Electronics have operated in over 60 countries. You …show more content…

Samsung Family hub started selling for $5,799 in Samsung website, but now it has decreased the price it’s for $3,497.40 for 27.9 cu in Home Depot.
Target Audience
The Samsung target audience is for a very wide range of consumers ranging from normal day to a day using devices to industrial standard appliances, but the target age group of customers from the 30s or even older, as long the person or the married couple has the ability to purchase a Samsung product that is on the market for sale. For married couples that is upper class that has at least a child and usually have a busy scheduled because they work hard and an income of $75,000 with their own property.
Product Benefits
Samsung Family benefits are that the fridge has a class-leading cooling performance, internal fridge cameras, stunning 21.5in touch-screen. Also, it can capture images even if the door is close and “You can even link the Family Hub refrigerator to online grocery shopping and recipe application”.

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