
San Juan Heights Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Rough Riders’ Influence on the Battle of San Juan Heights
Imagine yourself as a young cowboy that has just received a telegram from a man you met during your time in North Dakota. This man was Theodore Roosevelt telling you that he was going to resign as Assistant Secretary of the Navy and help form the 1st U.S Volunteer Cavalry to fight those rotten Spaniards down in Cuba. Being the striking young man that you are you take up his offer and head down to Texas where this new unit will be training for the harsh environment of Cuba. Training in Texas went great, you and everyone else loaded onto a train headed to Tampa Bay Florida expecting to be there in about 4 days. Just as planned you and the other members of the 1st U.S Volunteer Cavalry arrived in Tampa on time. Now is when the unexpected finally hits, the ships that were to carry all of the men and all the horses will in fact not hold all the men, let alone the horses. You sadly had to get the short straw and were forced to be one of the unlucky men that have to stay in the U.S and take care of all the …show more content…

The public was calling for the United States to intervene in the conflict between Spain and Cuba, Cuba was fighting for independence. The United States soon sent the USS Maine to protect American citizens and property. Public outcry reached a new found high when the USS Maine was sunk without any explanation from the Spanish. On April 24th of 1898 Spain officially Declared War on the United States, with the United States following suit a day later on April 25th of 1898. Bits and pieces of the Spanish American war were fought on all of Spain’s strongholds in the Caribbean and Pacific: Guam, The Philippines, Puerto Rico, and most notably Cuba. Of the fighting in Cuba some of the most interesting was by the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry better known as the Rough

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