
San Tan Valley Advertisement Analysis

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The small town of San Tan Valley is plagued with horrible traffic, and it has become an enormous burden to its residents. The town has three entrances however it seems that everyone has simultaneously chosen one of the entrances to bombard causing havoc. According, to, the population of San Tan Valley is 81,000 people. It is imperative that we choose are entrances wisely otherwise this madness will continue. I used pathos to persuade my audience, the residents of San Tan Valley, into making more strategic and beneficial choices on the roads to take on their local commute. The top half of my ad has a very frustrating, angry tone. To many drivers the sight of bumper to bumper traffic is extremely aggravating, and very disappointing. By using that picture it sets the mood, and gets the audience thinking about how horrible the traffic is. I specifically chose a warm red color for my text, because red is as very sharp serious color. It calls for action, usually portraying the message to stop. We associate red with that meaning due to common objects like stoplights, stop signs, and headlights. I also added in a STOP sign near the top right corner of the ad The STOP sign pairs nicely with the tone of the top half. Due to the way our brains associate the image of the sign, it will …show more content…

I would place them around the local supermarkets, because they are the lifeline of our town. The local Walmart is the only place where we can get our groceries and household items. If I could get Walmart to place the add near the cash registers, and get a blown-up version near the entrances the whole town will see it several times a week. I would also place it around the local mailboxes within the neighborhoods, another common place the townspeople would look at

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