
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Revealing Corruption at Wal-Mart

Better Essays

MGMT 533 Federal Regulations, Ethics and the Legal System | Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Revealing Corruption at Wal-Mart | Ethics in Action |

9/30/2012 |

In July 2002, a corporate reform bill was passed into United States Federal law by the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation introduced new and amended ethical standards regarding financial practice and corporate governance for all publicly traded U.S. companies, as well as for management and accounting organizations. U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes and U.S. Representative Michael G. Oxley spearheaded the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act (Pub. L. 107-204) (Sarbanes & Oxley, 2002). This was originally known as “Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor …show more content…

Unfortunately, the creation of SOX and a code of ethics in no way guarantee’s that everyone will follow the rules; people will always find a way to circumvent the system or misrepresent the code’s intentions. Even the most robust ethics program needs constant oversight to remain effective. The pressure to increase profits and market share can lead executives to push the boundaries of ethical business behavior. Despite the passage of SOX, some of the largest and most well-established companies are currently crossing those boundaries.
In recent news, an alleged Sarbanes-Oxley Act violation has been revealed at the United States based corporate giant, Wal-Mart, where executives are accused of engaging in bribing Mexican officials to facilitate corporate growth throughout the country.
In September 2005, a former senior executive from Wal-Mart de Mexico sent an email to a high-ranking Wal-Mart lawyer, referencing on how Wal-Mart de Mexico had bribed foreign officials to expedite permits to win market control in Mexico. The emails and subsequent conversations gave specific names, dates and bribe amounts. Wal-Mart followed up with an internal investigation and eventually found a paper trail of suspect payments. In addition, they found documentation implicating that, not only did the top Wal-Mart de Mexico executives know about the payments, but they had also taken pre-cautions to hide them. The lead investigator documented the findings by stating

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