
Scholarly Vs Popular Sources Essay

Decent Essays

Task 1. Scholarly versus Popular Resources 1. scholarly Source- written for scholars, technical language, full citation, peer reviewed Popular Source – magazines, for a general audience, usually not fully cited When each is appropriate: Popular sources are good for background information, then scholarly sources should be used for more in-depth research and citation. 2. A blog written by an archeologist would be a popular source because it is not peer reviewed 3. A blog by a Native American would still be a popular source because it is not peer reviewed and likely not containing full citation. Task 2. Understanding Peer Review 4. Peer review is a process by which a professional’s work or research is evaluated by other professionals similar to or higher in expertise than the professional creating the work. Scholarly peer …show more content…

This research looks at how Chaco Canyon residents were sustained during the onset of the canyon’s drought Between A.D. 1181 and 1200. The study hypothesizes that maize or corn, was brought into the canyon from a region known as the Chaco Halo and seeks to identify the specific sources of the maize. The researchers collect data by analyzing 12 corn cobs found in Chaco Canyon and use the presence of Strontium 86 and 87 to determine the produce’s origins. During the study they narrow the possibilities that “the corn cobs were imported from the Zuni region, the Mesa Verde-McElmo Dome area, or the Totah area during a time when the climate was relatively wet and when a surplus of corn was produced in regions outside Chaco Canyon” (Benson 2010). This research provides new insight into the understanding of how Chaco Canyon was sustained during its decline and adds new perspective to the archeological record of the

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