
Scott Brink And Brendaly Seulveda Case Study

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In result of recent events, Scott Brink and Brendaly Sepulveda have been removed from AVP1. Scott Brink was removed for insubordination on 7/20 and Brendaly Sepulveda was removed for frequent absences effective 7/22. Which left the guard force at AVP1 with 5 open spot. I partnered with G4S recruiting and was able to conducted 6 interviews in 2 weeks. Which then resulted in AVP1 gaining 5 possible candidates, one of the recruits started training today (7/22). In effort to help with transition and training of officers, David Selan spoke with Joe Prula and he mentioned that AVP6 will only need 1 Officer after this Friday. Cameron is going to reach out to the AVP6 site leader, and ill re-assign shifts as needed. G4S is going to pay for

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