
Search Engines For Search Engine Optimization

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Many people use search engines as a starting point for navigating the web, making search engines a crucial link in connecting content providers and users. This has spurred a sizable literature on search marketing that studies clicking behavior at search engines. To date, most of this literature has concentrated on the sponsored links that are typically displayed alongside organic links when consumers conduct searches. SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, is the process of modifying site 's code, content and links to target the keywords that users enter into a search field on any major search engine. If done properly, SEO can ensure that particular site appears higher up on the search results pages, thus driving free organic traffic to the site, which can help increase conversions and sales. In essence, SEO helps customers to find business on search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. SEO is a crucial part of marketing efforts. It 's the best way to reach customers who want your products. SEO is an easy way to acquire free traffic and highly qualified customers for ecommerce store. This means, when done well, it can offset the costs of other marketing initiatives. Structuring the site to make it easy for search engines to understand can help customers find us more easily. If one don 't incorporate the elements that search engines find important, website can get buried in the search engine

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