
Security And Privacy Of Cloud Computing Essay

Better Essays

Security and privacy issues in cloud computing Cloud Computing is a process collecting the existing techniques and technologies , packaged within a new infrastructure that offers improved scalability , rapidly respond to change , faster start up time , reduced management costs and availability of resources for a short span of time . Cloud computing can be used by the following: If any one‘s own security is weak definitely they can use cloud computing. If the cloud providers are better than yours At security goals they cloud provider’s aims at least as high as you do Why is not everyone doing it? Cloud acts as a black box as it is not visible to the clients. It does not give any control to the clients to know whether what is happening inside it. It has malicious system admins who can tamper the VMs and violate the confidentiality and integrity of the system Clouds are still known for their data confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy issues plus some additional attacks. Most of the problems associated with cloud computing include the following Loss of control: Consumers loss of control • Data applications, resources are located with the provider. • User identity management is handled by the cloud • User access control rules security policies and enforcement are managed by the cloud provider. • Consumer relies on data to ensure 1. Data security and privacy 2. Resource availability 3. Monitoring and repairing of services and resources. Lack

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