
Security Features Of The Cloud Services

Decent Essays

We can protect the data on cloud by decreasing its value to the attacker or intruder.We can achieve this by seeding false information in other word using disinformation attack. We imagine thatsecure cloud services can be implemented given six other security features: a. Confusing the intruder/masquerader with bogus information. b. Confuse the intruder by false information c. Secure the confidential data form web-administrator. d. Block the masquerader. e. Enhanced Authentication with OTP. f. Data security using AES encryption technique a. Monitoring the undesired behavior of the user: We imagine that the combination of these security features will provide high level of security for the Cloud. currently no other system can provide this level of security .We have used these concepts to notice illegal data access to data stored on a local file system by masqueraders, i.e. attackers who copy valid users after theft their identification .Our trial results in a local file system setting show that combining both techniques can produce better results, and our results advise that this approach may work in a Cloud environment, as the Cloud is proposed to be as clear to the user as a local file system. In the following we analysis briefly some of the trial results achieved by using this approach to detect masquerade activity in a local file setting.[11] b. Confuse the intruder by false information We suggest the use of decoy information technology. We monitor data access in the

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