
Serving On Our Own Essay

Decent Essays

River of Life Kingdom Ministries, Inc. Leadership Development 2017 Session II Assignment: What does it mean to be “serving on our own’? Things that comes to mind when thinking about “serving on our own”, is “self-righteous”, confident of one’s own ability, doing whatever he/she feel is right to them. Intolerant of the opinion and behavior of others. Completely selfish, serving one’s own interests often in disregard of the truth or the interest of others. Concern about me, myself and I. My needs and desires. Self-center and self-focus. Which often leads to self-destructions and serving time alone because you have hurt the feeling others doing you. We as people can be so ignorant regarding the things of God. God has given all of us the …show more content…

I should respond with tenderness, gentleness, and gracious obedience not with harshness and irritation. I must admitted I have been irritating, annoying, puzzling, baffling, and bothersome and will debate at length when I believe I right. And this may be true but my method is not pleasing to God nor being submissive to God will. I know it is the heart of God for me to build my husband up my husband. God does deal with me and I do apologize after I have did some damage and failed to act like the wise woman God as called me to be. Sometimes it was not my words but my thoughts towards my husband were not from God. Another lack of submission in my life is not putting God first. I do wake up every morning giving God glory for allowing me and my family another gift of life. I do thank God daily for save travels to and from our jobs and school. I’m thankful that we all made it home safely. I’m not devoted to spending time in the word of God. Although I desire to be in the house of the lord I have not always made this my first choice, again a lack of submission. “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37). There is no saving relationship with Jesus where faith does not consist in treasuring Jesus above my dearest earthly treasures. I have not always follow the above scripture. I have place others and myself before serving God. I know true submission mean

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