
Essay on Setting in Greasy Lake by T. Coraghessan Boyle

Decent Essays

Greasy Lake by T. Coraghessan Boyle

Nature has a powerful way of portraying good vs. bad, which parallels to the same concept intertwined with human nature. In the story “Greasy Lake” by T. Coraghessan Boyle, the author portrays this through the use of a lake by demonstrating its significance and relationship to the characters. At one time, the Greasy Lake was something of beauty and cleanliness, but then came to be the exact opposite. Through his writing, Boyle demonstrates how the setting can be a direct reflection of the characters and the experiences they encounter.

The lake itself plays a major role throughout the story, as it mirrors the characters almost exactly. For example, the lake is described as being “fetid and …show more content…

It is ironic that not only is the lake named Greasy Lake, but the individuals who hang out there are also referred to as being greasy characters as well. The 3 main characters find themselves surrounded by “dangerous” characters, and get stuck in the middle of a huge fight. As if things aren’t bad enough, the main characters then attempt to rape a girl that is with the man they just fought. Very soon after more people show up ready to join in the deviant behavior, all while in the presence of this dirty, disgusting lake. “I’d struck down one greasy character, and blundered into the waterlogged carcass of a second” (128). No matter what the main characters do, or how they react to the conflicts presented, they constantly find themselves in the presence of more greasy characters at the greasy lake.

The author also makes a connection between the lake and the characters in his use of the word “nature.” Fairly early in the story Boyle explains that the characters go to the lake to “plunge into the festering murk, drink beer, smoke pot, howl at the stars” which again shows us the connection between the disgusting lake and the deviant teen boys. (125). Boyle then concludes the paragraph by saying, “This was nature,” which describes the attitudes and behaviors of the teenagers that go to the lake (125). Yet towards

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