
Seven Proof Of God's Existence Analysis

Decent Essays

Evidence of Laws that Proves God Created the Physical Universe
Scientific evidence is consistent with the belief that the physical universe was designed by God. Looking around and studying the laws and processes of the physical world, one cannot help but notice the intricacy and perfect design of how the universe and everything in it behaves. How do the laws prove that the physical universe was designed and created by an intelligent being?
In the article “Seven Proofs of God’s Existence” written by Richard F. Ames, the first proof is ‘Creation Demands a Creator.’ Secular scientist believe that energy and matter exploded, and because of the explosion, or ‘big bang,’ the universe was formed. But a very prominent question appears- where did the …show more content…

Ames, can be backed up with the first part of the Law of Biogenesis (Seven Proofs of God’s Existence). Biogenesis is split up into two parts, the first part expresses that living things only come from other living things and not from non-living matter. But secular scientists created a theory called “abiogenesis,” (the direct meaning is “not genesis”) this theory states their belief that life once came from non-life. “With all our learning and technology, we cannot even come close to bringing life together in the lab" (The Creator and the Cosmos, Ross, 1993, p. 148). Their ideology has completely no evidence to back it up, because there are no examples or proof of life being made from non-life it is acceptable to say that the first part of the Law of Biogenesis is true and Abiogenesis is false. (The Law of Biogenesis [Part 1]). “Whatever effect selection may possibly have had on random processes in later biological reproduction, it is clear beyond any rational argument that chance processes could have never produced even the simplest forms of life in the first place. Without a living God to create life, the laws of probability and complexity prove beyond doubt that life could never come into existence at all. Life, at the very simplest level conceivable, has absolutely no possibility of having been generated by any other means than special creation by a living Creator.” (H. Morris and J. Morris

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