
Sexual Intercourse Within The Human Species

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Introduction Sexual intercourse is an intriguing, yet touchy subject to most individuals. There are nearly as many different beliefs in regards to the act of sex as there are for something as prominent and controversial as religion. It is a topic that the majority of individuals do not want to discuss, yet it is something that the majority of everyone is intrigued about. Throughout this research paper we will take a closer look at sexual intercourse within the human species by attempting to define what sex is, find out who partakes in this deed, determine when it is typically done, and finally reveal why it is done.
What Is Sex? While the title begins with the pronoun who, not the pronoun what, it will be much easier to …show more content…

All of these communications assume that the speakers and listeners share a definition of sex that is clear, consistent across situations, and unbiased by personal motives. In fact, there is limited research evaluating individuals ' definitions of sex, and the research that does exist seems based on implicit assumptions that may be problematic in some ways. (Peterson & Muehlenhard, 2007, p. 256-268)
This statement is implying that they back the notion that the definition of sex is still unknown; one hundred different individuals would give you one hundred different definitions of the enigmatic term “sex”. Additionally, this confusion is established in an article by Judith Mackay (2011) when she states that “sex research, where it exists, is usually fertility related rather than sex oriented. Even definitions vary. There is no agreed definition of sex counseling, obscenity, or even what people mean by the term "sex," all making comparable analysis difficult.” But there is no way that we could go any further into this research without establishing a set definition, so the misperception must end now. For the sake of this research paper, “sex” will be defined as any vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse between two or more individuals. These three different forms of sex are often involved in sexual intercourse, but these terms can be ambiguous to many customary individuals. Each of these different forms of sex varies from one another, all offering something

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