
Sexuality: An Analysis Of Homosexuality

Good Essays

Last semester, I realized the hurtfulness of people’s comments about sexuality for the first time. I knew I had heard homophobic remarks before, but it was the first time I witnessed it and understood how it can affect someone first hand. It was the first time I felt truly disgusted by the hate in which people teach others. I was in a meeting about an organization that empowers youth. A community member was there who was thinking about hosting our organization at his church. We were explaining some of the activities we would do with the children. One activity is a button activity about diversity. We would pour buttons onto the table and ask the kids to sort the buttons into different groups. For example, they may sort based off of the …show more content…

After he gets up to leave, she looks at the group and says, “I am not comfortable with continuing going there as I am a lesbian.” I felt horrible that she had to sit through this man’s comments and not be able to say anything out of fear. I felt horrible that she had been doing lessons with his kids that are meaningful, but if he found out, she wouldn’t be able to go there anymore. I felt horrible when she said that she overheard a kid at one of these meetings questioning their sexuality. I felt the worst when she said all she wanted to do was tell this girl that everything is all right because that’s what she would have wanted someone to say to her. Now that little girl won’t experience that lesson. She started crying and so I started …show more content…

No one told me I couldn’t be respected for my feelings. I didn’t have to hide who I was out of fear. From then on, I have taken notice to all the remarks around me that are hurtful to others. In class, we talked about mundane heterosexism. I have noticed people monitoring their speech so they don’t come off as heterosexist (Class notes, 3/24). I’ve also noticed flat out homophobic comments. I was in a communications class and we were in small groups. Someone in my group made a comment, “That’s disgusting.” I proceeded to ask, “What’s disgusting?” He finished out by saying “Men with other men.” I knew it was a safe place and so I proceeded to tell him he shouldn’t date other men then if he doesn’t feel that attraction, but some men do and there’s nothing disgusting about that. I figured other people in my group would say something next. The only comment was, “I’m not gay, but I mean I can tolerate them.” Not saying anything is still discrimination. Someone saying they “tolerate gays” is heterosexist. Class ended and we left with nothing else said. My stories aren’t

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